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10 nejlepších hráčů

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  • Celkem her: 3457
  • Hráno her: 2808932
  • Kategorií: 14
  • Hráčů: 12952
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  • Komentářů: 11741

Name: Shoot 2:Cruise Control
Description: 3rd person shooter game with a unique feature - hide behind wall and shoot when it is safe to

Category: Strilecky
Number of Times Played: 484

Shoot 2:Cruise

Name: Magnetism 2
Description: Use the 3 available magnets i.e. regular, electro and polarity magnets to get the ball from the machine hand to the cup.

Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 572

Magnetism 2

Name: dc8p Fishwater Challenge
Description: Collect as many fish as you can in 30 seconds. Be careful of those logs, mind, and keep your eyes open for the rocks.

Category: Sportovni
Number of Times Played: 373

dc8p Fishwater

Name: Element Saga
Description: Defeat the evil army of Komos and protect the historic land. There are 3 difficulties setting for this scrolling fighting game

Category: Skakacky
Number of Times Played: 571

Element Saga

Name: Desktop Invaders
Description: Anotehr invader clone - shoot all aliens before the 3 castles are destroyed

Category: Skakacky
Number of Times Played: 665

Desktop Invade

Name: Agent K
Description: Passed all 3 training mission and become a real SWAT member.

Category: Akcni
Number of Times Played: 480

Agent K

Name: Xiao Xiao 3
Description: The third of The Xiao Xiao series created by Zhu.

Category: Ostatni
Number of Times Played: 1347

Xiao Xiao 3

Name: The Drifter Decoder
Description: Another Memory game with 3D graphic

Category: Ostatni
Number of Times Played: 1492

The Drifter De

Name: Scooby Doo: E3
Description: Shaggy & Scooby can only manage to escape from the Mayan temple with your assistant

Category: Skakacky
Number of Times Played: 475

Scooby Doo: E3

Name: America Strikes Back
Description: Go throught 3 different levels (Water, Air and Ground) in this game

Category: Strilecky
Number of Times Played: 549

America Strike

Name: 24 Puzzle
Description: A 3D puzzle game. The objective is to align the number 1 to 24

Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 1542

24 Puzzle

Name: Batting Champ
Description: Baseball batting game with realistic 3D character rendering

Category: Sportovni
Number of Times Played: 1425

Batting Champ

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