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Name: Super MPCorp Land
Description: A game that resembles Super Mario. Rescue your friend Jbeu kidnapped by the evil creatures.
Category: Akcni
Number of Times Played: 656
Name: Super Smash X
Description: The heroes Mario, Link, and Megaman are up against each other to test who is the greatest.
Category: Akcni
Number of Times Played: 712
Name: CC Fight Club
Description: Choose your clock character bio clock and others ice super attack combo hits and fight against your
Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 447
Name: Super Hacky Sack
Description: Hit the hack using your legs arms and head jump and dow spin kicks and other various tricks.
Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 458
Name: Super Pilot
Description: Fly your jet around avoid missiles and shoot down enemy jet planes.
Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 443
Name: SB Stage 1
Description: Use your Samurai sword to slice up enemies. Perform combo attacks, super moves, and use the insanely
Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 436
Name: Super Bike GP
Description: Race your motor bike up and down the track in time trial or championship modes.
Category: Sportovni
Number of Times Played: 458
Name: Super Paint Ball
Description: Shoot the guys that pop up from behind the barrels and barricades with your paintball gun.
Category: Strilecky
Number of Times Played: 405
Name: Quiz Time with Chrono
Description: Take Chrono's on the backgrounds of Super Nintendo games
Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 396
Name: Spug Shock
Description: Use your wizard from super mario and fire at the blocks coming your way.
Category: Akcni
Number of Times Played: 725
Name: Super Clicker
Description: Click on the moving dot before it moves off screen.
Category: Ostatni
Number of Times Played: 420
Name: Super Sled Racing
Description: Fly down the snowy hills collect presents and avoid snowmen and other obstacles.
Category: Sportovni
Number of Times Played: 391