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10 nejlepších hráčů

Statistiky online her

  • Celkem her: 3457
  • Hráno her: 2887169
  • Kategorií: 14
  • Hráčů: 12952
  • Příspěvků v blogu: 0
  • Komentářů: 11747

Name: Super Bowl
Description: Power up and change angle to bowl a strike.

Category: Sportovni
Number of Times Played: 445

Super Bowl

Name: Quiz Time with Chrono 2
Description: Chrono will test you on sounds from various Super Nintendo games.

Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 407

Quiz Time with

Name: Quiz Time with Chrono 3
Description: Chrono tests you this time on storylines of various Super Nintendo games.

Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 437

Quiz Time with

Name: Quiz Time with Chrono 4
Description: Chrono gives you a test on more backgrounds from Super Nintendo games.

Category: Logicke
Number of Times Played: 501

Quiz Time with

Name: Bowling
Description: Here you are. A superb bowling game. Turn your speakers up!Throw the ball when you see the sign. In order to throw the ball push the go botton. Keep it pressed until the yellow field at t

Category: Sportovni
Number of Times Played: 477


Name: Super Mario Revived
Description: Play as the revived Super Mario in this exciting retro flash game. Guide Mario through another fanta

Category: Online hry
Number of Times Played: 1007

Super Mario Re

Name: Super Kickups
Description: A classic forum arcade game, and is often described as the most difficult game of it's type. MaintaiYou use your mouse and click on the ball as many times as you can while it is in the air a

Category: Sportovni
Number of Times Played: 451

Super Kickups

Name: Super MPCorp Land 1
Description: Rescue your friend who was kidnapped by the evil creatures. Make your way through the hills, the pla

Category: Akcni
Number of Times Played: 464

Super MPCorp L

Name: Super Flash Mario Bros
Description: This is a nice flash remake of the classic Super Mario Bros, with an option to play as Mario or Luig

Category: Online hry
Number of Times Played: 964

Super Flash Ma

Name: Super Mario: Rampage
Description: Super Mario has had enough of headbutting blocks and foolishly jumping on enemies. Now, Mario has a

Category: Online hry
Number of Times Played: 587

Super Mario: R

Name: Super Mario Power Coins
Description: Dodge the falling obstacles such as the classic angry-rocks, bomb-bullets, american footballs and fi

Category: Online hry
Number of Times Played: 595

Super Mario Po

Name: Super Mario Mushrooms
Description: This is yet another Mario game, in which you race around collecting all the mushrooms you can withou

Category: Online hry
Number of Times Played: 1303

Super Mario Mu

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